

(Side note before reading this shit: It's really really late (or early) right now, so I'm really tired. This means that you will find loads of errors in my text, which i will fix later.)

First let me just explain some things, these last couple of weeks have been major booring for me. Homework after homework after homework after homework, well you get it. So I will have to put my first Flash project aside for some week n
ow, but I'll will still be working with flash, since I'm doing a project in flash at school right now. SPOILER, I'm doing a game. The game will be done around May 17.
Under here you can see some screen dumps from my
game in progress:

This is a picture from the world, all you do here is to pick the next level to play. Which actually is kind of retarded in my game since there's a order you have to go through, so you can't really PICK randomly what level to play next, since it's already decided which map is next.

Above here is a picture from the first world, level, stage or whatever you want to call it. Can't really be arsed to write more about it, you will have to play the game when it's out to find out more.

This is a picture from the second world (or what word you picked to describe it). As you can see there's some green awesome dude with a flag, and well, play the game to find out more!

And above here is a picture from the third world, and I can say this: All these different things you can see on the picture will be used to in some way start the computer in the right corner. Play the game to find out more!

And here is the last screen dump for today, It's from the fourth and last world. Which is under water. I just had to have a under water level cause they're always so filled with fish and other cool stuff!

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