
Updating soon!

Diamond league in Starcraft2, VikingCup inc, CraftCup inc. I'm animating atm, update will come later tonight. And hopefully a nice picture to this post as well. BRB!



Posting one more picture before going to sleep, and beleive it or not, but this tree is actually smoking weed, from a bong (and yes, some other dude is holding a small lighter in the end of the bong in the animation). When you though you'd seen it all, and this appears, crazy stuff, oh so crazy.

Sry for the bad english, haven't slept for 24 hours.
And I just realised that I didn't remove those object marks (the white dots in the pictures)

Shallow woods.

These trees are some fucked up trees. For instance, they're gonna have sex. So here's a shot from the movie. I'll take a quick nap and then post another one were another tree is doing another fucked up activity. Sry for bad english.

Nu har det fan ballat ur.


Intro scene.

The clock is around 21.33 here in sweden today, and I haven't played one Starcraft II game what so ever today. Instead I've been drawing the Intro scene for my movie. So here it goes, I present to you my intro scene picture:

The name of the movie and all other text like the "BobSeibold presents" and shit will be shown in the left corner of the picture. When the intruduction is ready the camera will move down through the trees down to a small glade. Pretty much the first movie half will be shown in this glade. And that's it for today!


Short note: I've started streaming. Sometimes i stream me animating, painting, photoshopping, and sometimes even Starcraft II. Under here is a embeded link to my stream:
Watch live streaming video from bobseibold at livestream.com


Diagram is king.

I SUCK at starcraft II but it's still awesome! But, some of my other hobbies have taken a blow, like doing flash movies etc. I'm still doing it, but way slower than before. And that face bothered me, so i decided to do a... DIAGRAM! Which you can see under here:

I'll let this diagram speak, click it so you can read the text, it's sad but it's true! Well I'm off to play some SC2 games! After that I'll will work with my flash movie, maybe. I'll work with it, I think. FUCKIT, I WILL WORK WITH FLASH LATER!