


Im finally free from "Katedralskolan Växjö", such a fucking bad school. I've started to exercise, my day rhythm is still normal and I'm working with Flash almost every day, lovely♥.


Here's the new picture, it's from the scene before the final scene. The thing with this scene though is that i did focus alot on visuals, but also much more on animation and how the nature moves, than i did before. Pretty much everything moves in this picture (if it would move in real life that is). The water is streaming down, the trees are moving by the wind, and even the door is moving by the wind (strong fucking wind, eh). But the most amazing thing if you ask me (fuck, im the one who did this background, i think everything about it is amazing) is the sunlight, which also moves and all the "raining" leaves, which you can just see when it's in motion. Its looking pretty beautiful.

Btw, the sunlight was made in Photoshop, i had a hard time figuring out how to take it from photoshop to flash, but finally i made it, and I'm happy with the results. I might post some pictures (guide) from how I do it.

I'm off! Stay tuned for the video this month


One new picture from the project.

A new day, a new screen dump.
A few say, that it's a huge jump.
Just because it's mainly gray, except the blood, which indicates a slay.
Doesn't mean that it's still, play(ful)?

My rhymes are fly. Cole (from Gears of War) is brutally killing (or just playing around with a dead) blob. I did go with a much grayer background
in this scene (as you can read in my, oh so awesome rhymes), mainly as a tribute to the game Gears of War, and ofc because it's a flashback which is taking place in a Gears of War-World? City? Err...This movie WILL be done before the end of this month, and since I'm free ("wasting my life at home") I'll start doing more movies (or try to).

Btw, I just read through this post and noticed that i used
alot of -->()<-- marks (what ever they're called) So i think I'll do it some more: (Here's the picture (which is awesome (FUCKING awesome!)))

Once again, please click for better resolution(?). And that white stuff you can see under the gun and on the walls, stones, blood ect, is actually light effects from the weapon when it's shooting those bullets. I swear, it looks so much better in motion, I swear!

(Edit) I just had to upload a picture from the scene when the gun isn't shooting, so you can see how the lightning effects play out. I still have to say that it looks way better in the actual movie, with sound effects and what not!


New pictures from my ongoin' project.

Finally I've graduated and all the parties are over and what not. So today have pretty much been the first time in 1-2 weeks that I've had the time to create some stuff in Flash.

The first picture I'll post is almost the same as you can see in the blogpost before this one, except that I've changed the leaves and bushes to something much better. I HAD to do this since the other leaves and bushes were buil upon loads of different symbols in Flash which made my movie lag, alot. But I have to say that I'm much happier with it a
s it is now. You can also see two blobs, who are the main characters in my movie.

The second picture is over a desert, which is the 2:nd scene. You can see one blob standing on top of a mountain, and some other blobs behind a palm tree. A
nyway, enough of the text and lets post the pictures (Click em for better resolution):


Long live the Blobs(?)!

I started my new awesome project today. Main title: "Long live the Blobs(?)!" hint, hint. I really came a long way today, longer than I expected atleast. So I'll post a pic from the intro of the movie below:


Some booring talk about the pic inc: I started using a new painting style today, I'm using the arrow which you select stuff with, not the arrow that makes a square of selected materia, but the arrow where you select stuff on your own, pretty much. Fuck i hate when I don't remember the names of the tools.

Anyway I select stuff I wanna shade with this arrow thing and my tablet instead of painting it. If you just understood my description you should get a price. Well I'll come back and talk more about this style this week. I also tried to get more shadows in this movie, which you can see in the picture.

Im off! New update in a few days about my ongoing project! Sup!

This is not something good, nor is it meant to be.

The video above is not good at all, I can tell you that. Since I started this "short film" before my School Project (the game), means that this is my first Flash project ever, which describes why it is so.. random?

All I wanted to do with this film was to try out some different things, like zooming, doing moving backgrounds, fixing with music, and lip syncing(which you actually don't see in the movie since i removed it.) At first I wasn't going to upload it at all, since it was, like I said, >a test<. The reason for uploading it anyway was that it could be fun to watch it some months later from today, and actually see how basic my first flash movie was.

Now that I've tried some stuff out here, and in my game (which actually is good, and hopefully I'll upload it aswell soon), I'll try to make some good stuff, some "serious" stuff if you will. I already got a
manuscript for my next movie, and I've already started the drawing. I can write with 100% certainty that I'll post some pics from my new project later tonight, or early tommorow.